
Pyramus and Thisbe

Lucas Cranach the Younger, workshop

(1515 - Wittenberg - 1586)

Page from the "Album Amicorum" of Johann Michael Heuß
With dedication and dating: "Anno Domini 1558 12(?) die Martii Wite[nbergae(?)]"
(= In the year of our Lord 1558, on March 12(?) at Wittenberg).
Illumination, watercolor with sepia drawing, gilding
height: 18.6 cm, width: 13.8 cm

Exhibition: Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, "Cranach Natürlich. Hieronymus in der Wildnis", March 1 - October 7, 2018.

Literature: M. Hofbauer: Lucas Cranach der Mittlere: Pyramus and Thisbe [...]. In: Cranach - Parerga und Paralipomena, Heidelberg 2021, pp. 39-52.
Wolfgang Meighörner (ed.): Cranach Natürlich. Hieronymus in der Wildnis, ex. cat. Innsbruck 2018, p. 215, no. 62.

Provenance: Johann Michael Heiß (1558) | Cornelius Ascanius van Sypesteyn, heer van Moermont, Renesse en Noordwelle (before 1825) | Auctioned at Sotheby's London on May 20, 1825 from the Van Sypesteyn Collection, No. 506 Album Amicorum Dom. J. Michaelis Heysii, fol. 28. | Private collection London (until 2016)


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